Individually small, weak and cowardly, when they band together, grotz can be easily as deadly as their larger green-skinned brethren. From the fungus-fuelled magics of the Moonclan to the Spiderfang grots and their terrifying arachnid mounts, and aided by vicious and durable troggoths, grots are not a force to be underestimated.
$62.50$53.13 SALE -
$230.00$195.50 SALE -
$45.00$38.25 SALE -
$19.00$16.15 SALE -
$105.00$89.25 SALE -
$35.00$29.75 SALE -
$60.00$51.00 SALE -
$58.00$49.30 SALE -
$179.00$152.15 SALE -
$17.99$15.29 SALE -
$42.00$35.70 SALE